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The way we buy goods and services at Inland Revenue will vary depending on the nature, value, risk and complexity of the buying requirement. We will use the most appropriate sourcing approach in the circumstances, within the following frameworks:

  • Inland Revenue’s Buying and Expenses Policy
  • The Five Principles of Government Procurement
  • The Government Procurement Charter
  • The Government Procurement Rules (where applicable)

You can find more information on the 5 Principles of Government Procurement, the Charter and the Rules on the New Zealand Government Procurement website.

Principles, charter and rules (New Zealand Government Procurement)

Use of Government contracts

Under the Government Procurement Rules, we must use and buy from All-of-Government and common capability contracts. We can also buy from a supplier on an All-of-Government panel, where a panel exists, unless there is a good reason not to buy from these places.

Open market sourcing

We will advertise contract opportunities that are being openly sourced on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS).

We will indicate our intentions for open market sourcing as a ‘future procurement opportunity’ on GETS. Future procurement opportunities are not a commitment from us to buy any goods and services, nor are they an invitation for suppliers to send us proposals/quotes. We may revise or cancel future procurement opportunities at any time.

Not all our contract opportunities will be advertised on GETS. For example, there may be a buying requirement that could be met through using a Government contract.

Tax compliance

Our suppliers have the same rights and responsibilities as any of our other customers. However, because of our role in maintaining the integrity of the tax system, it’s important that the tax affairs of our suppliers are in order. This includes accurate and timely tax returns and payments or ensuring they are under arrangement by the due date.

Our suppliers may be asked to confirm that their tax affairs are in order. This could form part of a contract with us, the terms and conditions of their engagement with us, or it could be a separate form to complete.

Tax and criminal checks

We expect suppliers to complex tax and criminal checks on behalf of personnel they provide to work with us, whether as a consultant or a contractor, as a provider of support for our systems and data, or as supplier of services to or in our sites. In some cases, we may do this on your behalf, with your permission.

Conflict of interest and confidentiality

Suppliers and their personnel working with us may be asked to complete a conflict of interest declaration and sign a confidentiality agreement about their work with us.

Code of conduct

Suppliers and their personnel need to comply with our policies. Personnel need to comply with our Code of Conduct and Remote Working Policy.

We may conduct checks from time to time to confirm compliance with our policies and requirements.

Our policies

Our suppliers need to comply with our policies, including the:

  • End User Policy 2024
  • Remote Access Travel Security Policy
  • Application and Cloud Security Policy
  • Infrastructure Security Policy
  • Identity, Authentication Access Management Policy
  • Security Operations Policy
  • Third Party Security Management Policy
  • Code of Conduct
  • Remote Working Policy.

Please email to request copies of these policies.

[email protected]

Supplier feedback and complaints

If you have any concerns or feedback about engaging with us as a third-party supplier, please send us an email.

[email protected]

If you feel your concern has not been resolved, or if you have any other concerns or feedback, please email for the attention of the Service Leader – Commercial Services & Strategic Property or the Chief Probity Officer.

[email protected] 

If you still feel your concern has not been resolved, the process for making a formal complaint is available on the New Zealand Government Procurement website.

Feedback and complaints (New Zealand Government Procurement)

Last updated: 09 Dec 2024
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